Worlds #1 golf coach Pete Cowen reveals to Danny Maude a Game Changer golf drill that will turn your ball striking from amateur …



By Todd

42 thoughts on “World’s #1 Coach Reveals Fastest Way to Improve Your Golf Swing”
  1. I’ve been learning more about Hogan and his swing. This really answers a lot of questions about release and impact. Thanks so much. I like your humble and sincere approach to golf.

  2. Danny, can you clarify, is it the body rotation that squares the club, so the right forearm feels like it's behind the shaft, and the club can release almost straight down-the-line to the target? Or is it more forearm rotation that squares the face, so the body doesn't get too open at impact? I find my hips are open 45 and shoulders open 30 at impact, and every instructor wants me to keep shoulders closed and not spin-out. Can you clarify?

  3. I have taken you and Pete's advice and have drastically improved my iron game. What has happened as a result is that I have completely lost my driver. I feel like I am hanging on too long and almost exaggerating the wrist angle after contact. Would you be able to help me out in keeping this concept with the Driver? I just haven't been able to do it yet with the Driver.
    Love your videos and these last few with Pete have given me my game back to where it was some 20 years ago. Thanks, Danny! Cheers

  4. Thanks Danny. But what if one doesn't have the shoulder mobility to externally rotate in the backswing like you demonstrate? I actually find there is a large chunk of golfers who do not have the mobility…are we doomed or how can we compensate?

  5. Do the same principles apply for uneven lies? ball below feet, ball above feet sidehill? That video was life altering for me….my ball striking has improved tremendously! Thank you for all the amazing content… swing has become half of what it was but my distances are further than before

  6. Danny I’m sure you’re a great player and Peter also. He teaches elite golfers. They are young and flexible. That swing would break my back. A one plane swing is not for older golfers. Peter is the best but most of us couldn’t turn with your speed. Good luck boys

  7. worked hard this week with these drills to develop better consistency. Played 18 yesterday and saw improvement. Still some spray off the tee but I attribute that more to losing proper technique. Shot a 42 and 39 which I'm happy with… but could have been better as I blasted a terrible lie sand shot, had a poor club choice one another hole, hit a pond with driver (3 more feet or 5 yards left and I clear it) and hit a 7 iron 2nd shot that found a pond). Clear up just a couple of these errors and I break 80… just need to be more consistent with it… I hate that the season is winding down.

  8. Danny, thank you so much for this followup video as well. I watched your lesson wilth Pete Cowen and with that video began to change my swing. You did warn that it was not an easy concept to learn, however once I was able to achieve the "spinning down" of my right forearm I began to see amazing results. I have been struggling with plane and transition for years and NEVER repeat NEVER was able to compress the ball and make solid center strikes. Once I began to achieve some level of competency with Cowens concept I began to see those Solid center hits and really see the ball fly. I am able to hit straight balls and now working on fading and drawing the ball. To the point, this lesson put what I was able to gleen from your lesson with Cowen into an easier understood idea of what this swing accomplishes…ya…square, compressd contact. Love it, thanks so much. BTW I will be 76 next month.

  9. That was a great lesson. And, your enthusiasm and excitement inspires me to want swing as effortlessly and fluid as you demonstrate. If that's not great teaching, then I don't know what is!
    Thanks for this fantastic video, Danny. Well done!

  10. Danny i saw the video with Pete Cowen and your video now.I don't compress my irons and hit high drives.. I was always wristy.thinking that would give me more distance.Just couldn't stop my flippy hands.Hope this works for me.

  11. This whole elbow thing is where I seem to struggle – when it flares I get flicky and inconsistent… still working to gain consistency… play well one day and crap the next… I keep watching and I really feel your teachings are good for me.

  12. I learned without proper tutelage to un-cock my wrists at impact and I got a hand-sy swing for my efforts. I'm 4 years into golf and the only way I could make ball contact with my irons was listening to your catapult analogy. YES, I hit the ball but not consistently. I was told by my husband over and over again that I'm too "handsy" and I had no idea what he meant. I realized last year that I was doing it all wrong and although I understood the right way, I couldn't change my ways. This year I'm determined to stop swinging with only my arms and wrists…Thanks for the detailed drill, it will be a lot of re-learning.

  13. This has the been the most transformative golf video I've seen for my game! This is awesome, thanks Danny. Still have a few question – 1. On the down swing, is it more force on the lead arm or trail arm? Do you still keep the trail arm compression have striking the ball? Would be great to see how do you follow through to complete the swing after striking the ball. Thanks!

  14. Thank you for the explanation from minute 5:506:50. That brought the idea to life. I find that the rest of my body responds to that signal, and my ball striking has been transformed. Hit 13 fairways and 14 greens with that as my only swing thought. Well done!

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