Apparently there IS still GOLD in the Superstition Mountains. Golf gold that is. As Mike Malaska, PGA gives up some insight to the …


By Todd

8 thoughts on “The MENTAL GAME of Jack Nicklaus, Golf with Mike Malaska”
  1. Dear Mike, your words here put into focus why Jack would endorse Trump for re-election as President. Jack is so focused on Money that it doesn't matter what Trump does or says so long as Jack gets a BIG TAX BREAK. At the end of the day Jack and Trump are a lot alike. Both are spoiled by priviledged circumstances. Neither actually cares about anything or anyone but themselves. For both of them it is all about the $$$$$$. Jack's Way, his method for how he lives his life, is at the end of the day overly self-centered. Just goes to prove because someone is a great athlete does not make them a great human being. The Love of Money is the Root all All Evil! Jack is in my prayers!

  2. Got it. His match practice was more intense than match play conditions. Thanks Mike…It's very tough to replicate… Only Rafael Nadal in tennis can do this…👍👍👍

  3. …and this, at least partially, explains how he won 18 majors. People like Nicklaus, Joe Montana, etc not only handle pressure better than most people, they actually thrive on it, crave it…they perform better in such circumstances.

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