Phil Mickleson shows how detailed his shot selection process is. This is a huge part of Phil’s golf mental game and was built up …


By Todd

48 thoughts on “Phil Mickelson – A great example of the chunking process, Golf's Mental Game”
  1. This is why most people never become scratch golfers. While there are many that can make it to single figures, to consistently break par you need to be able to mentally process this level of detail, even if it just gains an extra yard or so closer to the pin, that can lower your score by 5-shots.

  2. Is that Phil Fonzi Mick?
    Cool name.
    I sometimes wore misplaced attire.

    However, I didn't ever apologize. It was all me.

    Go Phil! Just sayin'.

  3. I think maybe a big part of why his iron play is so good came at the end there. "I hit 1500 practice iron shots a month". I remember Larry Byrd talking about shooting 3 pointers 2 hours a day, 365 days a year. Work ethic counts.

  4. I factor in temperature and altitude as it pertains to my beer consumption on the course. Higher temperature requires faster beer consumption. Higher altitude and I'll drop down to a slightly lower ABV.

  5. I love watching Phil. Followed him around at the Honda one year. He's so respectful of the volunteers. Made sure to say hello and thank each one of them. And he is hilarious! Hits it every where but in the fairway and shoots 4 under LOL. Was behind about 17 trees after a drive and some guy says " nice positioning Phil " and everyone laughed. Phil says " yeah, I have the perfect opening from here ( he had no shot, so we thought) " and proceeds to hit four iron through the first set of trees and then it slices around the next group lands 12 ft. and says to the guy " it's all about positioning " with a shit eating grin. Oh yeah, made the putt!!! UNBELIEVABLE LOL

  6. Well, this is what pretty much separates the absolute legends from the great golfers. This game is so finely nuanced at it's most competitive levels.

  7. Yeah I do exactly the same thing: I process wind, temperature, time of day, lie, cut of the grass etc etc.
    Then lift my head on the downswing and fuck it 20 yards with a huge divot.

  8. When he is playing for that kind of money then it's perfectly fine to fine tune his game. To the rest of 99% weekend hackers, this is useless info.

  9. Watched this 6 times, I will probably still be a 4. Amazing insight into the mind of a great golfer. I never even thought about half the factors he mentioned. What I wonder about is the power of the subconscious mind and his ability to trust himself when even his caddy tells him he is wrong. We, as humans, are quite a bit smarter than we give ourselves credit for.
    I like Phil's analytical approach to the shot making process, but I also think that he has eye-hand-body coordination that will correct mistakes before they happen. This is extremely interesting to me. Using a baseline for every club makes perfect sense, but anyone who has seen him play knows that he is not entirely analytical.
    He is a psychological case study. I mean that in a good way.

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