This series is presented by LagShot Golf, The #1 Swing Trainer in Golf. Check their website to get yours today!


By Todd

40 thoughts on “Mental Game Lesson with PGA Teacher of The Year | Lauren’s Journey to Break 90 Ep. 5 | Claire Hogle”
  1. This woman just needs a lot of lessons from a good pro. Forget breaking 90. She first has to build a golf swing that will produce decent shots.
    You can't play golf hitting from the top. The symmetry of her swing is pretty good.
    But you can't generate power or clean contact, take the club to the top of the backswing and starting the club back down with the arms.
    The swing is:
    Start hands back with shoulder turn and when club is in slot at the top:
    Bottom up. Downswing starts with legs/hip rotation and not the hands.

    Until this is grooved, you can't play golf very well. All you will do is hit fat shots behind the ball with no power.
    FWIW Claire has a wonderful swing. Your friend could be a rival. No short cut. Practice and lessons with the best pro available.

  2. Look at the zen golf mechanic site. It integrates the ground pressure focus you worked on with no swing thoughts because the ground pressure swings the club for you. It also integrates your yoga movements and what he was saying about just focus on the shot shape. Good luck.

  3. I am so rooting for this experience. This has inspired me to bite the bullet, get the equipment and start learning as well. Long time wish, no excuse when I live across from a course. Every installment has some real gems for people that even just want to start. And Lauren is hitting for 90s and below. Hell yeah.

    edit: would also say that Manolo's was halfway mental teaching too lol.

  4. yo when ur in your swing it is visual. Creat the thought picture the flag and pole to bottum of the hole then see the ball coming reverasal to your club out of the hole bac to your club u taking aim on the prsiscisn stop to hit and swing away .. havey Pinick in the THe Little Red book say s take aim and swing hard as you can w frong leg stillish

  5. Her swing looks pretty good for still being a beginner. As long as she loves the game and being outside and playing with friends this will be a hobby that will give you great satisfaction and enjoyment for years to come. Just don't take it so seriously. Good luck.

  6. Am I the only one that can see that she's swinging in the wrong direction? Everyone who's good at golf has learned to do something they're completely unaware of, which is why they can't teach it or explain it. I can and do.

  7. Good series. How does L trust her muscle memory if she doesn't have a memory of swinging correctly? L is still casting from the top and has no concept of accelerating the clubhead w/o actively using her hands. A paradox (swinging not hitting) to which you alluded and she has to unravel. How? miming, observational learning, insight, revelation, myelination, or does she dig it out of the dirt.

  8. Focus on technique, swing, body, etc on the range. Once you get to the course you play with what you brought. On the course, forget the mechanics and focus on the target. Let the muscle memory take over at that point and just play what your ability is that day. Change your target if you need to during the round (if you're hooking it, try playing a holding fade instead, for example.) but still focus on the target. If you focus on target every shot, you aren't focusing on a score. You forge the last shot and focus on the next target…be it the next fairway, the next green or the next putt.

  9. From now on I'm just going to clear my mind and concentrate solely on making the tee land on my should like a parrot 🦜😄 Lauren is getting better and better, it's a lot of info coming at her but it's great knowledge and she's adapting. This series has been amazing.

  10. I'm really liking this series. So interesting to see all the elite coaches different perspectives on teaching and all of them seemingly improving Lauren instantly, despite all being fairly different in style and approach.

    Very interesting.

  11. Claire, have Lauren watch Patrick Cantlay’s pre shot routine, how he rocks back and forth before he takes the shot. Not saying to do this exactly, but get a gig of her own!😎👊🏻

  12. With respect, I don't think an amateur needs to work on mental aspects to overcome a traffic jam of information. The brain doesn't "get" things immediately. Lauren, my 2 cents, just pick the thing you liked the most that you think helps you the most and just think of that to improve your old swing. After you're comfortable with it and it becomes part of your sub-conscious, move on to another aspect. We can't force things into our sub-conscious minds. They have to arrive there through repetition.

  13. Lauren, Let me take you on a. date…we can talk about mental approaches or anything else…I can meet you In LA…and you pick the restaurant of your choice..I'm a great listener, love to travel and take photos….

  14. I watched Trent last night try to break 90. He’s not going to do it unless they turn that series into something like this. You can’t be terrible at golf and play below bogey golf.You’d think with all that money and connections they’d be making something similar to this but all they do is record 1 round a week and that’s probably all he does. This is how you break 90, you practice. When Lauren gets to where she’s not duffing shot very often and she will get there, she’s going to have to get good around the green and inside 100. Claire will have her rolling the ball way better than she needs to be to break 90

  15. The two of you are soo sweet. Very good idea to talk to Mr. Mulligan (what a great name by the way!) I learned golf more than 30 years back on a student exchange in Australia 🇦🇺 and always loved the game and always will! Unfortunately I haven’t really played the last 20 years but started again last year. This year I am playing for a small (beginners) team here in Karlsruhe (Germany) I am only down to HCP 11 but will try to improve much more. I love watching your videos and also stream almost every one from the two nice guys (GM Golf) let’s have fun and enjoy the most wonderful game in life

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