In this video Rick Shiels PGA golf professional gives you a really simple lesson that will help you to aim the golf club & hit the golf …



By Todd

32 thoughts on “How to aim the golf club & hit STRAIGHT shots”
  1. I do this on every shot of any length. Even putts. Sometimes the glare from the sun on the steel shaft is bothersome, but overall, I find this very helpful.
    I look for a spot 2 feet as well as four feet as well as my distant target.
    This keeps the two- foot spot in view at address.
    It is surprising how many people ask me what I'm doing when they see me doing this.

  2. After 3 seasons I still have a problem aiming, I feel like I am perfectly lined up and usually shoot far right and realize I was aiming there. I will try these tips tomorrow

  3. This is a classic approach – once taught by the Golden Bear himself. I remember reading it in one of his illustrated paperbacks (we didn't have YouTube then). He used a ladder to cement the mental picture that your feet are to be parallel to your target line. Well done Rick.

  4. Just to add once you pick your intermediate point never lose sight of that, if you look at your target in the distance you’ll cut across the ball because now your eyes will be aimed left.

  5. when you talk about hitting a fade, you aim the face left of the target and position your feet parallel. Why wouldn't the ball just go left of the target?

  6. I have trouble lining my feet parallel. Also trusting that where I’m aiming is correct so I end up moving my feet and always go hard left or right of where I originally aimed 🤦🏻‍♂️

  7. But how do I increase distance? I'm ok at hitting accurately but my friends who are same body type and size hit a 7 iron the same distance I'm hitting a 3 wood

  8. I was apparently born without the ability to properly 'aim' a golf club, and for many years couldn't tell if I was lined up properly or not. One day I was playing with a scratch golfer, and he gave me the EXACT advice Rick gives in this video. Worked like a charm ever since. I was so happy to find a 'work-around' for my golf 'disability'. And all these years, I thought it was my own little secret! Thanks again, Rick!

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