Trying to play like I would in a PGA Tour Qualifier with a true practice round then an actual competitive money game. #goingpro …


By Todd

25 thoughts on “GOLF MONEY GAME Challenging my Mental Game on the Course!”
  1. consider this. A lot can be learned from closely observing the good players on the LPGA. In particular many of the Asian Players (Lydia Ko etc) who do not have the length off the Tee or the strength of athletes like the Korda sisters etc. These women players have very sound strategic skills and can place their shots to their maximum advantage. Their approach shots and short game are excellent with great proximity to the hole with their mid and short irons. Their putting, particularly lag putting is excellent. Well worth a look at how they get around the course. play some golf with a few and see what and why they do what they do (would make a good video) Also worth looking at the work of a master named Bernard Langer, he works the Golf course like a master and is still winning tournaments against bigger, stronger, and longer hitting players. He has a steel like determination. The PGA players are athletes at their peak, fun to watch but impossible to emulate.

  2. When I was preparing to take my players ability test I wanted to "train" my nerves. Playing money games/ gambling did the trick. It doesn't have to be massive amounts of cash, just playing for money adds that extra something that will really put the squeeze on your nerves.

  3. enjoyable and insightful! thanks… question… any advice on how to help with endurance… last couple of holes my swing struggles… I snack throughout the round. any interest in sharing your fitness routine? (one vid)

  4. 30 putts, or less is definitely what it takes to score well. My driver, and putter are also my assets. I need to work on approach shots, and half wedge shots especially.

  5. Good video! However I would like to see how you play actually walking the course. I think that may be a piece you need to learn to work with too. Unless you will be riding in a cart when you get to real-time qualifying.

  6. Way to turn it around Matt! Golf is as much mental, maybe even more, than physical. I use the Arccos thing and it gives you similar data to the app you're using. Right now it says the top 3 things I need to work on are 1. 100-150 yard approach shots, 2. 0-10 foot putts, 3. Shots from the fairway. This is where I'm loosing the most strokes. I just need to practice at the things it tells me to until I get something new to practice.

  7. Headed to Lowe's tomorrow for a hose now for my screen… however… everything else I walk out of that store with is on YOU, Mr. SG!!! I hope you sleep well. Cheers, haha.

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